Educator & Faculty of Education Workshops

60-120 MINUTES 

This workshop is primarily for educators and teacher candidates (Grades K-8). The aim is to support awareness and implementation of credible, engaging, and relevant nutrition education resources and programs for students while also improving the nutrition, food, and healthy eating-based knowledge of educators.

Early Childhood Education Workshops

60-120 MINUTES 

This workshop is primarily for early childhood educators, childcare professionals, and early childhood education professors and their students. The goal is to support awareness and implementation of best practices in early childhood nutrition, including menu planning; feeding relationships; and helping young children build food skills and food literacy. 


Educator Wellness Workshop

60-120 MINUTES 

This workshop is primarily for educators. Creating positive food- and nutrition-related learning experiences for students requires educators to be reflective of their own nutrition assumptions and practices. Learn more about what influences your food practices, how to assess food and nutrition trends, and how to support your own eating competence and food literacy.


To request a workshop or for more information: